Making Signature fonts from Asd Studio - (tsazi)

Making Signature
Making Signature Making SignatureMaking Signature

Introducing the new font Making Signature Font. This font suitable for use in a variety of design fields, such as event advertisements, vintage design, product promotions, mug design, book titles, activity titles, logos, and others. This font can when paired with serif font types will make your design project more beautiful and perfect.


- Uppercase

- Lowercase

- Number & punctuations

- Multilingual Accents

- StylisticSet

- Stylistic Alternate

- Swashes ligatures

- 72 Standard ligatures

- PUA encoded

I highly recommend using a program that supports OpenType featuresand Glyphs panels such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, or CorelDraw, so you can see and access all Glyph variations.

This font is encoded with Unicode PUA, which allows full access toall additional characters without having special design software. Mac users can use Font Book, and Windows users can use Character Map to view and copy one of the extra characters to paste into your favorite text editor/ application.

I hope you enjoy the font, thank you.

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